ContentArmor Forensic Watermarking solutions B2B distribution

Wondering from which geographies or licensees your content leaks?

Discover which platforms have been compromised and where to focus your anti-piracy efforts with your affiliates and business partners.

We protect your content / you maximize your revenues Watermarking for Distribution

ContentArmor incorporates forensic watermarks in your video platform to protect your files and live distribution workflows. The unique watermark present in illegal streams is then used to pinpoint the Licensee platform from which the content leaks and take remedial actions.

contentarmor technology profile Versatile Bitstream Watermarking

ContentArmor’s Video Watermarking solution modifies the bitstream directly, resulting in blitz-fast embedding. Its unique technology allows integration at any point of the distribution chain.

ContentArmor’s Video Watermarking can work with any third party component such as content delivery network providers, video encoders or web monitoring solutions.

My key criterion to select our watermarking solution has been the ability for the technical solution to scale with our large number of distributors - An European Broadcaster

no video encoder


per input channel
business model

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