ContentArmor Forensic Watermarking solutions Premium VOD

Are pirates stealing your
TVOD and EST revenues?

The value of pirate video services accessed by pay-TV and non-pay-TV consumers will exceed $67 billion worldwide by 2023. (Parks Associates, December 2019)

We protect your content / you maximize your revenues Watermarking for Premium VOD

ContentArmor incorporates forensic watermarks in your video platform to protect your exclusive VOD assets. The unique watermark present in illegal streams is then used to pinpoint the source of piracy and take remedial actions.

contentarmor technology profile Versatile Bitstream Watermarking

ContentArmor’s Video Watermarking solution modifies the bitstream directly, resulting in blitz-fast embedding. Its unique technology enables integration at any point of the distribution chain.

Either on-prem or in the cloud, you can freely scale your watermarking deployment according to your needs to safeguard your premium assets from trailers to full feature film.

You are safeguarding my OTT service exclusivity window from pirate platform competition - A VOD Platform Operator


Insert watermarking
on encrypted content

no video encoder

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